The only way to run a studio successfully is to invest in yourself and your health. YOU are the muscle behind the scene. YOU are the one that makes it all happen. YOU are worth it. Take the time to stay strong and refreshed to not only maintain your business, but grow your business!

Read through these 5 tips to keep yourself in tip top shape. Making a few small lifestyle changes can truly make a world of difference!

  1. Drink Water: Most everyone needs to drink more water but, for most, this is easier said than done. Water gives your body the energy it needs to get through the day and stay focused and healthy. To start out, try to replace every beverage you have throughout the day with water. By doing this, you will automatically cut calories and sugars out of your diet and keep hydrated. One way to spice up your water is to infuse it with fruit! Lemons, oranges, strawberries, even cucumbers give water a little flavor that your taste buds will love. Lastly, keep track of the amount of water you’re drinking. Use apps on your phone such as Daily Water Free, Waterlogged, and Water Alert or purchase gallon jugs and make it your goal to drink one a day!
  2. Try a New Workout: Exercising can help you release stress, refocus and get your creative juices working. This doesn’t mean just doing your same old routine at the gym. Keep your muscles guessing with a new workout or class that you have never tried before. And who knows, maybe it will spark some new ideas for classes or exercises your studio! Barre is a very popular and growing workout that women love. It is low impact and really focuses on toning your body. If you’re a yoga lover, try a new studio or a different type of yoga. And if it’s hard to get out of your house invest in a new workout DVD series! Whatever option you choose, schedule your classes at the beginning of the week. That way, you are more likely to hold yourself to it.
  3. Delegate Tasks: Whether it be at home or at work, don’t be afraid to assign tasks to your family and employees. It’s okay to ask for help or to give up a little responsibility and ownership. Being able to delegate is an important skill that many people overlook and do not take advantage of. At home, think about making a weekly chore list for your children and spouse. Find a spot to create “The Chore Board” where your family can see it. It will act as a reminder and checklist. At the workplace, be specific with the task you want completed and make sure the employee has the tools and information they need to complete it. Be specific with deadlines and keep the lines of communication open. In the end, this will make less work for you!
  4. Have A Plan: This may seem obvious, but always have a plan. Your agenda IS your best friend. Traditional paper and pen is totally effective but there are also great virtual calendars and agendas out there that will sync up between all your electronic devices. Google Calendar is a great option that allows you to color code events, set reminders and alerts, and even share the calendar with other family members and workers. In addition to scheduling out your week, write down 3 main goals or tasks for the day. Keep it realistic and attainable. At the end of the week, review what you’ve accomplished and what will carry over to next week.
  5. Me Time: At the end of the day or on the weekend, you deserve some me time! Take a moment to clear your mind, and do one of your favorite activities. Whether that be sitting down with a glass of wine before bed and watching your favorite TV show or spending time outside in your garden, always treat yourself for the hard work you have accomplished. As silly as it may sound, schedule your me time in your calendar or agenda because there will always be something else getting in the way that will distract you. Be your best self, not only for yourself but for your family, friends, and clients!


Jill Tirone

5 Simple Self Care Ideas For Busy Studio Owners