Owning a studio is hard work. You’re managing students, parents, and staff. You’re wearing multiple hats. Each day you’re a teacher, marketer, event planner, business owner, and so much more.

Bottom line, you must find effective ways to manage and run your studio so you can stay energized and avoid burnout. Here are 5 ways to stay motivated and focused.

  1. Be an Early Riser. It’s a fact. Waking up early is key for success. Classes at your studio may not start until late morning or even afternoon, but getting yourself up and motivated gives you an advantage. The early quiet is a great time to organize schedules, set your goals, or simply enjoy time to yourself reading or relaxing. Getting up early will be much easier when your nights end with a routine as well. Get yourself to bed at a reasonable time to make the morning doable. Like we often preach to our students, practice makes perfect! Give yourself time to adjust and soon you’ll be in the groove with your new routine.
  2. Define What You Want in Detail. Instead of saying “I want more students” or “I want to make more money” be specific and strive to “gain 20 students” this year or an exact amount of money in tickets sales for the end of the year recital. Spelling out your exact goals will lead to detailed tasks that will get you there, such as a better marketing strategy, or a new venue for your recital.
  3. Do What You Like. Owning a dance studio means managing many moving parts — often at the same time. Focus on what you like to do and outsource the rest. Struggle with social media? Outsource it. Think it’s tedious to do weekly payroll? Outsource it! Allow yourself to stay in love with your business by doing what you like. All tasks that can be done at a cost less than what your time is worth must be outsourced. This includes administrative duties, marketing, graphic design, and website updates. Spending the money to outsource these tasks will help your business and reduce your stress. Once you leave it to the professionals, you’ll see your profits soar.
  4. Get Physical. It is hard to keep your business running smoothly if you’re run down and unmotivated. Take time to go for a walk (during that early morning downtime, wink wink) or take a dance class yourself. Doing physical activity each day, no matter how small or large, will get those juices flowing. Staying inspired and active will pave the way for you to be inspiring!
  5. Remember to Have Fun! It’s easy to get stressed out and caught up in the strenuous tasks of owning a studio, but remember, you’re making your dream a reality! Being your own boss is an amazing opportunity so remember to celebrate all wins — big or small. Each day, week, and month acknowledge your achievements and pat yourself on the back. Raise a toast to all your hard work with a glass of wine, treat yourself to a massage, or simply sit back and bask in the glory. Cheers!


Jill Tirone