What you do early in the morning often sets the tone for the rest of the day.

Here are 5 easy ways to have a good day!

  1. Exercise  Getting your body moving and adding consistent exercise to your morning routine increases productivity and focus and helps get you through the dreaded afternoon slump. Whether it’s cardio or yoga, a quick 30 minute workout is all you need to get your day moving in a positive direction.
  2. Plan Your Day The Night Before  Setting your intention for your day — the night before — helps you focus and keeps you from aimlessly wandering through your day. Having a plan allows you to jump right in and get started. Tackling your big 3 goals for the day first thing in the morning gives you the best opportunity for success. When you’re clear on your goals, you’re setting yourself up for success. So before you go to bed, take a few minutes to ask yourself what really matters most and that will help direct your focus and intention for the following day.
  3. Practice Gratitude  At the beginning of each day, jot down three good things. Maybe your morning coffee (or tea) was hot, traffic was light, and your kiddos got off to school without any hiccoughs. At the end of the day, do the same. Think through your day and write down the three best things that happened. The more you practice gratitude, the happier and more productive you’ll be.
  4. Surprise & Delight  Typically a marketing strategy used to increase customer loyalty and engagement, this approach can be done with your faculty and staff, with your clients and prospects, or with your friends and family. Surprising your dedicated, hardworking staff with gift certificates or a special snack in the break room increases their loyalty. Sending handwritten birthday cards to your students or recognizing their achievements throughout the year are gestures that foster happiness and loyalty. Rewarding your clients when they least expect it increases brand awareness when they take to social media to share their delight with their friends and family. And personally reaching out to and old friend or family member will not only warm their hearts but will most certainly put a smile on your face.
  5. Play & Laugh  Young children have wild imaginations and love to laugh and play. Take a chapter out of their book! Schedule time in your day to be silly and creative. Color, sketch, put on your favorite jams and dance and sing. If you have kids, put work aside and get busy playing with them. Remember, laughter is the best medicine! lol

Now, go out and have a good day!

Jill Tirone