Lately I find myself counting days. 

  • Counting the last few days of summer. 
  • Counting the days until my birthday.
  • Counting the days until school starts.
  • Counting the days until my next trip.
  • Counting the days until dance begins.
  • Counting the days until cold weather.
  • Counting the days until…

The list is endless.

Like many of us, I’m guilty of meandering through my days watching the clock and calendar. I’m often moving from one meeting to the next, one project to the next, one task to the next. But what about life at this very moment? What contributions am I making right now?

This summer I traveled to four cities in two countries in 25 days. I spoke to hundreds of dance studio owners and presented seminars on topics in digital marketing and branding. Even with cancelled flights, airport delays, and time spent away from family, I made those days count. I made a solid contribution and a difference in the lives of others.

So, as we head into this new season, I encourage you to slow down during your day and reflect on your contributions. I’m excited for you to make the choice to not count the days, but to make the days count. 💕

5 Simple Self Care Ideas For Busy Studio Owners